Guild Annual Charity Quiz Night – Monday 17th February 2025
7.00pm for 7.30pm – York Cricket & Rugby Union Football Club, Shipton Road, York
The Guild invites members and non-members to form a team (or teams) and participate in yet another enjoyable evening. As in the past, food will be provided at half time, with meat pie, chips and peas being the staple fare. There will be a vegetarian option which must be ordered in advance. A cash bar is available in the function room where the quiz takes place.
The cost of entering a team (consisting of NO MORE THAN 4 MEMBERS) will include food. For supporters wishing to be fed, the cost is the same. ‘Scratch teams’ will be created on the night for those wishing to participate but who are not already part of a team. Please use the application form below.
As in previous years, there will be a raffle, so any donated raffle prizes will be most welcome, together with any other donations. All raffle proceeds go to the Lord Mayor’s Appeal, supporting smaller and lesser known charities and community groups providing crucial services and life changing activities for local people.
We hope that you will be able to support this event by entering a team or teams. Application forms and cheques should be sent to the address below as soon as possible, as numbers are restricted. The final date for applications is 26 January 2024. All payments will be acknowledged electronically.
Please reply with the following information to: Stephen Knowles, 106 Micklegate, York, YO1 6JX / e-mail: [email protected]
Applicant's Name …………………………………..…Organisation/Team name ……………………………………
I/we wish to be included in a ‘scratch team’ (YES / NO / Not Applicable) ..………………………………………..
Total Number of Attendees …............ of which ………....are meat eaters and ….......... are vegetarians.
Please either make your payment by bank transfer or enclose a cheque with your request to take part, made payable to The Guild of Scriveners of the City of York. Details for bank transfers are:
Account name The Guild of Scriveners of the City of York
Sort code 05-09-94
Account number 25571796
E-mail address for payment acknowledgement:
Telephone Number if no e-mail